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Updated Furniture:
Recycling Depot

A new era of furniture is here....


Before the Landfill,

Beyond the Living Room













Quick Statistics:


- 4.1% of all Solid Municipal Waste is furniture.


- By weight, the majority is wood and metal.


- Foam, Fabric and plastic makes up a

minority by weight.


- Most furniture is not made to last more than 4-6 years after purchase.


- Current solutions involve burning the wood for energy (not very forward thinking).






Example Program: Ottawa, Canada


Approximately 8,000 tonnes of furniture waste produced annually.


  6,000 tonnes of wood


  2,000 tonnes of metal, foam, fabric, plastic


By processing these materials ( chopping them up very finely) and pressing them back together using different bonding techniques, you can effectively create new building materials for continued use.

Note: the metal can be recycled from these pieces by traditional methods.


Since these materials originally constitute the furniture they come from, it makes natural sense that we can build new, quality pieces for the local economy that threw them away in the first place.